10 Connection Pooling

connection pooling

it is a practice of maintaining a cache of reusable database connection, so instead of opening and closing connection repeatedly, we can reuse the existing ones only.

how connection pooling works?

  1. initialization: a pool of database connections is created and maintained when the application starts

  2. borrowing: whenever application needs a database connection for performing some operations, it borrows a connection from connection pool

  3. returning: once the application is done with operations, it returns the borrowed connection back to the pool

key components

  • connection pool manager: it manages the lifecycle of connections including creation, borrowing, and returning

  • connections: actual database connections that are maintained in the pool


  • reduces the time and resources needed to establish connections thereby increasing performance

  • limits the number of simultaneous database connections, preventing resource exhaustion

  • supports higher loads and improves application scalability

best practices

  • the pool size must be configured based on the application load and database capacity

  • the pool usage should be regularly monitored to identify and resolve bottlenecks

  • it should be ensured that the borrowed connections are returned to the pool to avoid leaks and resource exhaustion