nanoid is a tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator
key features:
- typically shorter than UUIDs, making them more suitable for env where space is concern
- optimized for speed, excellent choice for performance-critical applications
- uses a secure random number generator ensuring uniqueness and unpredictability
how does it work?
- it first generates a series of random bytes
- they are then encoded into a URL-friendly format, by default it uses a base64-like encoding with a custom alphabet
- the encoded string is truncated or padded to the desired length, resulting in a unique ID
- it's significantly shorter than UUIDs (36 characters long including hyphens) which is helpful for saving storage space and reducing payload sizes in APIs leading to improved performance
- generating nanoid IDs is faster than generating UUIDs particularly when using custom alphabets and shorter lengths these benefits are more pronouned in high-throughput systems where large numbers of IDs are generated frequently
- use of secure RNGs ensures that the generated IDs are both unique and unpredictable
- can customize the length and alphabet of IDs
- compatibility issues with older browsers that do not support the web crypto API
- newer and less standardized solution
- need to carefully consider the probability of collisions based on the length of generated IDs
use cases:
- URL shortening
- database keys
- API tokens and session IDs